31. THE RAINBOW by D. H. Lawrence. Avon Publications, Ino., New York.

This lengthy tale includes part of a chapter devoted to a young girl's fascination for her teacher. The climax of this fascination occurs during a swimming soene.

(This item was erroneously printed last month under the title of Lawrence's book "Women in Love". The latter actually treats in part with male homosexuality.)

33. WHISPER THEIR LOVE by Valerie Taylor, Crest Books, Fawoett Publishing Co., 1957.

A paperback set in a girls school detailing the love affair between an 18-year-old student and the dean of women. The writing is not too bad, the characters come to life and the story moves at a fast pace.

34. THE UNLIT LAMP by Radolyffe Hall (1924). Jonathan Cape and Harrison Smith.

An early work by the author of "The Well of Loneliness" concerning the sacrifice of a girl's entire life to the designs of selfish parents. A profound and tragio study, it well exemplifies the lines of Browning:

"And the sin I impute to each frustrate ghost Is the unlit lamp and the ungirt loin."

35. AWAKE, MONIQUE by Astrid Van Royen. Duell, Sloan and Pearoe, 1957.


Tenderly and with candid beauty, Astrid tells her life story so that her 11-year-old daughter